Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joining The Air Force Is Going to Remain Hard

The good news is that the Air Force is planning to take in almost 1,000 more new recruits in Fiscal Year 2008 than they did in Fiscal Year 2007 (28,700 vs. 27,801). The bad news is that on the first day of the new fiscal year (Oct 1), the Air Force had already signed up 35 percent of their requirements for the entire new fiscal year, according to an Air Force News Service article.Unlike the Army and Marine Corps, which are increasing in size each year until 2013, the Air Force continues a multi-year downsizing. This means that those wishing to join the Air Force during this fiscal year can expect another year of high enlistment standards, limited job choices, and long waits in the Delayed Enlistment Program.

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